
Interceptor pattern. Executes a chain of Interceptor functions on a
common "context" map, maintaining a virtual "stack", with error
handling and support for asynchronous execution.


(enqueue context interceptors)
Adds interceptors to the end of context's execution queue. Creates
the queue if necessary. Returns updated context.


(enqueue* context & interceptors-and-seq)
Like 'enqueue' but vararg.
If the last argument is a sequence of interceptors,
they're unpacked and to added to the context's execution queue.


(execute context)(execute context interceptors)
Executes a queue of Interceptors attached to the context. Context
must be a map, Interceptors are added with 'enqueue'.

An Interceptor is a map or map-like object with the keys :enter,
:leave, and :error. The value of each key is a function; missing
keys or nil values are ignored. When executing a context, first all
the :enter functions are invoked in order. As this happens, the
Interceptors are pushed on to a stack.

When execution reaches the end of the queue, it begins popping
Interceptors off the stack and calling their :leave functions.
Therefore :leave functions are called in the opposite order from
:enter functions.

Both the :enter and :leave functions are called on a single
argument, the context map, and return an updated context.

If any Interceptor function throws an exception, execution stops and
begins popping Interceptors off the stack and calling their :error
functions. The :error function takes two arguments: the context and
an exception. It may either handle the exception, in which case the
execution continues with the next :leave function on the stack; or
re-throw the exception, passing control to the :error function on
the stack. If the exception reaches the end of the stack without
being handled, execute will throw it.


(execute-only context interceptor-key)(execute-only context interceptor-key interceptors)
Like `execute`, but only processes the interceptors in a single direction,
using `interceptor-key` (i.e. :enter, :leave) to determine which functions
to call.
Executes a queue of Interceptors attached to the context. Context
must be a map, Interceptors are added with 'enqueue'.

An Interceptor Record has keys :enter, :leave, and :error.
The value of each key is a function; missing
keys or nil values are ignored. When executing a context, all
the `interceptor-key` functions are invoked in order. As this happens, the
Interceptors are pushed on to a stack.


(terminate context)
Removes all remaining interceptors from context's execution queue.
This effectively short-circuits execution of Interceptors' :enter
functions and begins executing the :leave functions.


(terminate-when context pred)
Adds pred as a terminating condition of the context. pred is a
function that takes a context as its argument. It will be invoked
after every Interceptor's :enter function. If pred returns logical
true, execution will stop at that Interceptor.